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CLI Reference

config load-balance web-filter-profile

config load-balance web-filter-profile

Use this command to configure web filter profile. The web filter profile should include categories that should not be processed by the outbound L2 SSL forward proxy feature. To address privacy concerns, you can include categories such as "Personal Privacy", "Finance and Banking", "Health and Wellness", and Medicine.

Before you begin:

  • You must have read-write permission for load balancing settings.

After you have configured web filter profile, you can specify it in an L2 exception list.


config load-balance web-filter-profile

edit <name>

set description <string>

config category-members

edit <No.>

set category <datasource>






A string to describe the purpose of the configuration, to help you and other administrators more easily identify its use. Put phrases in quotes. For example: “Customer ABC”.

config member


Specify a FortiGuard category or subcategory. Put phrases in quotes. For example: “Personal Privacy”.


FortiADC-docs # config load-balance web-filter-profile

FortiADC-VM (web-filter-pro~i) # edit fortiguard-categories2passthrough

Add new entry 'fortiguard-categories2passthrough' for node 4622

FortiADC-VM (fortiguard-cat~g) # set description "Finance and Banking Personal Privacy Health and Wellness"

FortiADC-VM (fortiguard-cat~g) # config category-members

FortiADC-VM (category-members) # edit 1

Add new entry '1' for node 4625

FortiADC-VM (1) # set category "Finance and Banking"

FortiADC-VM (1) # next

FortiADC-VM (category-members) # edit 2

Add new entry '2' for node 4625

FortiADC-VM (2) # set category "Personal Privacy"

FortiADC-VM (2) # next

FortiADC-VM (category-members) # edit 3

Add new entry '3' for node 4625

FortiADC-VM (3) # set category "Health and Wellness"

FortiADC-VM (3) # next

FortiADC-VM (category-members) # edit 4

Add new entry '4' for node 4625

FortiADC-VM (4) # set category Medicine

FortiADC-VM (4) # end

FortiADC-VM (fortiguard-cat~g) # end

config load-balance web-filter-profile

config load-balance web-filter-profile

Use this command to configure web filter profile. The web filter profile should include categories that should not be processed by the outbound L2 SSL forward proxy feature. To address privacy concerns, you can include categories such as "Personal Privacy", "Finance and Banking", "Health and Wellness", and Medicine.

Before you begin:

  • You must have read-write permission for load balancing settings.

After you have configured web filter profile, you can specify it in an L2 exception list.


config load-balance web-filter-profile

edit <name>

set description <string>

config category-members

edit <No.>

set category <datasource>






A string to describe the purpose of the configuration, to help you and other administrators more easily identify its use. Put phrases in quotes. For example: “Customer ABC”.

config member


Specify a FortiGuard category or subcategory. Put phrases in quotes. For example: “Personal Privacy”.


FortiADC-docs # config load-balance web-filter-profile

FortiADC-VM (web-filter-pro~i) # edit fortiguard-categories2passthrough

Add new entry 'fortiguard-categories2passthrough' for node 4622

FortiADC-VM (fortiguard-cat~g) # set description "Finance and Banking Personal Privacy Health and Wellness"

FortiADC-VM (fortiguard-cat~g) # config category-members

FortiADC-VM (category-members) # edit 1

Add new entry '1' for node 4625

FortiADC-VM (1) # set category "Finance and Banking"

FortiADC-VM (1) # next

FortiADC-VM (category-members) # edit 2

Add new entry '2' for node 4625

FortiADC-VM (2) # set category "Personal Privacy"

FortiADC-VM (2) # next

FortiADC-VM (category-members) # edit 3

Add new entry '3' for node 4625

FortiADC-VM (3) # set category "Health and Wellness"

FortiADC-VM (3) # next

FortiADC-VM (category-members) # edit 4

Add new entry '4' for node 4625

FortiADC-VM (4) # set category Medicine

FortiADC-VM (4) # end

FortiADC-VM (fortiguard-cat~g) # end