Upgrading a stand-alone appliance from 4.2.x or later
The following figure shows the user interface for managing firmware (either upgrades or downgrades). Firmware can be loaded on two disk partitions: the active partition and the alternate partition. The upgrade procedure:
- Updates the firmware on the inactive partition and then makes it the active partition.
- Copies the firmware on the active partition, upgrades it, and installs it in place of the configuration on the inactive partition.
For example, if partition 1 is active, and you perform the upgrade procedure:
- Partition 2 is upgraded and becomes the active partition; partition 1 becomes the alternate partition.
- The configuration on partition 1 remains in place; it is copied, upgraded, and installed in place of the configuration on partition 2.
This is designed to preserve the working system state in the event the upgrade fails or is aborted.
Before you begin:
- You must have super user permission (user admin) to upgrade firmware.
- Download the firmware file from the Fortinet Customer Service & Support website: https://support.fortinet.com/
- Back up your configuration before beginning this procedure. Reverting to an earlier firmware version could reset settings that are not compatible with the new firmware.
- You upgrade the alternate partition. Decide which partition you want to upgrade. If necessary, click Boot Alternate Firmware to change the active/alternate partitions.
To update firmware:
- Go to System > Settings.
- Click the Maintenance tab.
- Scroll to the Upgrade section.
- Click Browse to locate and select the file.
- Click to upload the firmware and reboot.
The system replaces the firmware on the alternate partition and reboots. The alternate (upgraded) partition becomes the active, and the active becomes the alternate.
- Clear the cache of your web browser and restart it to ensure that it reloads the web UI and correctly displays all interface changes.