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EMS Administration Guide

Creating a profile to automatically upgrade FortiClient

Creating a profile to automatically upgrade FortiClient

You can create a profile to automatically upgrade FortiClient to the latest patch release. You must configure the profile with a deployment package that meets the following requirements:

  • The FortiClient deployment package was created in FortiClient EMS 1.2.0 or later.
  • The FortiClient deployment package was created with the latest FortiClient version available for selection in FortiClient EMS at the time the deployment package was created.
  • The FortiClient deployment package was created with the Keep software updated to the latest patch release option enabled.

See Adding a FortiClient deployment package.

With this configuration, when an upgrade is available, FortiClient downloads it directly from FortiClient EMS. Offline FortiClients remain without the upgrade until they contact FortiClient EMS.

To create a profile to automatically upgrade FortiClient:
  1. Go to Endpoint Profiles > Manage Profiles, and click the Add button.
  2. In the Profile Name field, enter a name for the profile.
  3. On the Deployment tab, enable FortiClient Deployment.
  4. Beside Action, click Install.
  5. From the Deployment Package dropdown list, select the desired deployment package.
  6. Configure the profile as desired, then click Save.
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If deploying an upgrade to a FortiClient endpoint running Windows 7, you must enable Enable TLS 1.0/1.1. See Configuring Server settings.

Creating a profile to automatically upgrade FortiClient

Creating a profile to automatically upgrade FortiClient

You can create a profile to automatically upgrade FortiClient to the latest patch release. You must configure the profile with a deployment package that meets the following requirements:

  • The FortiClient deployment package was created in FortiClient EMS 1.2.0 or later.
  • The FortiClient deployment package was created with the latest FortiClient version available for selection in FortiClient EMS at the time the deployment package was created.
  • The FortiClient deployment package was created with the Keep software updated to the latest patch release option enabled.

See Adding a FortiClient deployment package.

With this configuration, when an upgrade is available, FortiClient downloads it directly from FortiClient EMS. Offline FortiClients remain without the upgrade until they contact FortiClient EMS.

To create a profile to automatically upgrade FortiClient:
  1. Go to Endpoint Profiles > Manage Profiles, and click the Add button.
  2. In the Profile Name field, enter a name for the profile.
  3. On the Deployment tab, enable FortiClient Deployment.
  4. Beside Action, click Install.
  5. From the Deployment Package dropdown list, select the desired deployment package.
  6. Configure the profile as desired, then click Save.
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If deploying an upgrade to a FortiClient endpoint running Windows 7, you must enable Enable TLS 1.0/1.1. See Configuring Server settings.