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Administration Guide

Multi-stage VLAN CoS marking

Multi-stage VLAN CoS marking

A FortiGate can configure the traffic shaper to dynamically change the CoS value of outgoing VLAN packets based on the shaper profile. This allows the FortiGate to mark traffic with different CoS values at different stages of the shaping process.

config firewall shaper traffic-shaper
    edit <name>
        set bandwidth-unit {kbps | mbps | gbps}
        set guaranteed-bandwidth <integer>
        set maximum-bandwidth <integer>
        set cos-marking {enable | disable}
        set cos-marking-method {static | multi-stage}
        set cos <3-bit_binary>
        set exceed-cos <3-bit_binary>
        set maximum-cos <3-bit_binary>
        set exceed-bandwidth <integer>

cos-marking {enable | disable}

Enable/disable VLAN CoS marking (default = disable).

cos-marking-method {static | multi-stage}

Set the VLAN CoS marking method.

  • static: use static VLAN CoS marking (default)
  • multi-stage: multi-stage VLAN CoS marking

cos <3-bit_binary>

Set the VLAN CoS mark, 3-bit binary (000 - 111).

exceed-cos <3-bit_binary>

Set the VLAN CoS mark for traffic in guaranteed-bandwidth and exceed-bandwidth, 3-bit binary (000 - 111).

maximum-cos <3-bit_binary>

Set the VLAN CoS mark for traffic in exceed-bandwidth and maximum-bandwidth, 3-bit binary (000 - 111).

exceed-bandwidth <integer>

Set the exceed bandwidth used for DSCP or VLAN CoS multi-stage marking. The integer value range depends on the bandwidth-unit setting. This setting is only available for CoS multi-stage marking.


In this example, mutli-stage VLAN CoS marking is configured using traffic shapers on FortiGate A and FortiGate B. FortiGate A applies multi-stage CoS marking with the following traffic shaper settings:

  • Traffic below the guaranteed bandwidth will apply CoS 6.

  • Traffic greater than the guaranteed bandwidth will apply CoS 6 and 5.

  • Traffic greater than the exceed bandwidth will apply CoS 6, 5, and 4.

A traffic shaper and shaping policy are configured on FortiGate B. When traffic comes from FortiGate A with CoS 6, the traffic shaping policy will be applied because the CoS matches.


Multi-stage VLAN CoS marking is not supported on NP models. Traffic is not offloaded when it is enabled.

To configure mutli-stage VLAN CoS marking on FortiGate A:
  1. Configure the firewall policy:

    config firewall policy
        edit 7
            set srcintf "port1"
            set dstintf "vlan100"
            set action accept
            set srcaddr "all"
            set dstaddr "all"
            set srcaddr6 "all"
            set dstaddr6 "all"
            set schedule "always"
            set service "ALL"
            set logtraffic all
            set traffic-shaper "multi-stage-cos-fgta"
            set traffic-shaper-reverse "multi-stage-cos-fgta"
  2. Configure the traffic shaper:

    config firewall shaper traffic-shaper
        edit "multi-stage-cos-fgta"
            set guaranteed-bandwidth 1000
            set maximum-bandwidth 4000
            set per-policy enable
            set exceed-bandwidth 2000
            set cos-marking enable
            set cos-marking-method multi-stage
            set cos 110
            set exceed-cos 101
            set maximum-cos 100
  3. Check the session list to verify that CoS 6 is marked:

    # diagnose sys session list 
    session info: proto=17 proto_state=00 duration=6 expire=180 timeout=0 flags=00000000 socktype=0 sockport=0 av_idx=0 use=3
    origin-shaper=multi-stage-cos-fgta prio=2 guarantee 125000Bps max 500000Bps traffic 504900Bps drops 163905268B
    reply-shaper=multi-stage-cos-fgta prio=2 guarantee 125000Bps max 500000Bps traffic 504900Bps drops 0B
    class_id=0 ha_id=0 policy_dir=0 tunnel=/ vlan_cos=6/6
    state=log may_dirty npu npd os rs f00 
    statistic(bytes/packets/allow_err): org=3804176/292/1 reply=0/0/0 tuples=2
    tx speed(Bps/kbps): 583462/4667 rx speed(Bps/kbps): 0/0
    orgin->sink: org pre->post, reply pre->post dev=19->47/47->19 gwy=
    hook=pre dir=org act=noop>
    hook=post dir=reply act=noop>
    src_mac=00:0c:29:57:2a:01  dst_mac=70:4c:a5:7d:d4:95
    misc=0 policy_id=7 pol_uuid_idx=1129 auth_info=0 chk_client_info=0 vd=2
    serial=0006613c tos=ff/ff app_list=0 app=0 url_cat=0
    rpdb_link_id=00000000 ngfwid=n/a
    npu info: flag=0x00/0x00, offload=0/0, ips_offload=0/0, epid=0/0, ipid=0/0, vlan=0x0000/0x0000
    vlifid=0/0, vtag_in=0x0000/0x0000 in_npu=0/0, out_npu=0/0, fwd_en=0/0, qid=0/0
    no_ofld_reason:  offload-denied
To configure mutli-stage VLAN CoS marking on FortiGate B:
  1. Configure the firewall policy:

    config firewall policy
        edit 4
            set srcintf "vlan100"
            set dstintf "vlan200"
            set action accept
            set srcaddr "all"
            set dstaddr "all"
            set srcaddr6 "all"
            set dstaddr6 "all"
            set schedule "always"
            set service "ALL"
            set logtraffic all
  2. Configure the traffic shaper:

    config firewall shaper traffic-shaper
        edit "multi-stage-cos-fgtb"
            set guaranteed-bandwidth 250
            set maximum-bandwidth 1000
            set per-policy enable
            set cos-marking enable
            set cos-marking-method multi-stage
            set cos 100
            set exceed-cos 101
            set maximum-cos 110
            set exceed-bandwidth 500

    Based on this traffic shaper, the following CoS marking rules will be applied:

    • If all traffic is less than the guaranteed bandwidth, then the traffic will be marked with CoS 4.

    • If all traffic is greater than the guaranteed bandwidth but less than the exceed bandwidth, then 50% of the traffic will be marked as CoS 4 and 50% as CoS 5.

    • If traffic is greater than the guaranteed bandwidth but less than the maximum bandwidth, then 50% of the traffic will be marked as CoS 6; CoS 4 and 5 will have another 50%.

    • If traffic is greater than the maximum bandwidth, then 50% of the traffic will be marked as CoS 6, 25% will be marked as CoS 4, and 25% will be marked as CoS 5. Packet drops will be visible in the debug output.

  3. Configure the traffic shaping policy:

    config firewall shaping-policy
        edit 1
            set service "ALL"
            set srcintf "vlan100"
            set dstintf "vlan200"
            set traffic-shaper "multi-stage-cos-fgtb"
            set traffic-shaper-reverse "multi-stage-cos-fgtb"
            set class-id 2
            set cos-mask 111
            set cos 110
            set srcaddr "all"
            set dstaddr "all"
  4. Check the session list to verify that the shaping ID (1) applied and CoS 4 is marked:

    # diagnose sys session list 
    session info: proto=1 proto_state=00 duration=1 expire=59 timeout=0 flags=00000000 socktype=0 sockport=0 av_idx=0 use=3
    origin-shaper=multi-stage-cos-fgtb prio=2 guarantee 31250Bps max 125000Bps traffic 236Bps drops 0B
    reply-shaper=multi-stage-cos-fgtb prio=2 guarantee 31250Bps max 125000Bps traffic 236Bps drops 0B
    class_id=2 shaping_policy_id=1 ha_id=0 policy_dir=0 tunnel=/ vlan_cos=4/4
    state=log may_dirty os rs f00 
    statistic(bytes/packets/allow_err): org=168/2/1 reply=168/2/1 tuples=2
    tx speed(Bps/kbps): 120/0 rx speed(Bps/kbps): 120/0
    orgin->sink: org pre->post, reply pre->post dev=59->61/61->59 gwy=
    hook=pre dir=org act=noop>
    hook=post dir=reply act=noop>
    src_mac=90:6c:ac:fb:bb:97  dst_mac=04:d5:90:36:73:3f
    misc=0 policy_id=3 pol_uuid_idx=1377 auth_info=0 chk_client_info=0 vd=4
    serial=00024329 tos=ff/ff app_list=0 app=0 url_cat=0
    rpdb_link_id=00000000 ngfwid=n/a
    no_ofld_reason:  non-npu-intf
    total session 1

Multi-stage VLAN CoS marking

Multi-stage VLAN CoS marking

A FortiGate can configure the traffic shaper to dynamically change the CoS value of outgoing VLAN packets based on the shaper profile. This allows the FortiGate to mark traffic with different CoS values at different stages of the shaping process.

config firewall shaper traffic-shaper
    edit <name>
        set bandwidth-unit {kbps | mbps | gbps}
        set guaranteed-bandwidth <integer>
        set maximum-bandwidth <integer>
        set cos-marking {enable | disable}
        set cos-marking-method {static | multi-stage}
        set cos <3-bit_binary>
        set exceed-cos <3-bit_binary>
        set maximum-cos <3-bit_binary>
        set exceed-bandwidth <integer>

cos-marking {enable | disable}

Enable/disable VLAN CoS marking (default = disable).

cos-marking-method {static | multi-stage}

Set the VLAN CoS marking method.

  • static: use static VLAN CoS marking (default)
  • multi-stage: multi-stage VLAN CoS marking

cos <3-bit_binary>

Set the VLAN CoS mark, 3-bit binary (000 - 111).

exceed-cos <3-bit_binary>

Set the VLAN CoS mark for traffic in guaranteed-bandwidth and exceed-bandwidth, 3-bit binary (000 - 111).

maximum-cos <3-bit_binary>

Set the VLAN CoS mark for traffic in exceed-bandwidth and maximum-bandwidth, 3-bit binary (000 - 111).

exceed-bandwidth <integer>

Set the exceed bandwidth used for DSCP or VLAN CoS multi-stage marking. The integer value range depends on the bandwidth-unit setting. This setting is only available for CoS multi-stage marking.


In this example, mutli-stage VLAN CoS marking is configured using traffic shapers on FortiGate A and FortiGate B. FortiGate A applies multi-stage CoS marking with the following traffic shaper settings:

  • Traffic below the guaranteed bandwidth will apply CoS 6.

  • Traffic greater than the guaranteed bandwidth will apply CoS 6 and 5.

  • Traffic greater than the exceed bandwidth will apply CoS 6, 5, and 4.

A traffic shaper and shaping policy are configured on FortiGate B. When traffic comes from FortiGate A with CoS 6, the traffic shaping policy will be applied because the CoS matches.


Multi-stage VLAN CoS marking is not supported on NP models. Traffic is not offloaded when it is enabled.

To configure mutli-stage VLAN CoS marking on FortiGate A:
  1. Configure the firewall policy:

    config firewall policy
        edit 7
            set srcintf "port1"
            set dstintf "vlan100"
            set action accept
            set srcaddr "all"
            set dstaddr "all"
            set srcaddr6 "all"
            set dstaddr6 "all"
            set schedule "always"
            set service "ALL"
            set logtraffic all
            set traffic-shaper "multi-stage-cos-fgta"
            set traffic-shaper-reverse "multi-stage-cos-fgta"
  2. Configure the traffic shaper:

    config firewall shaper traffic-shaper
        edit "multi-stage-cos-fgta"
            set guaranteed-bandwidth 1000
            set maximum-bandwidth 4000
            set per-policy enable
            set exceed-bandwidth 2000
            set cos-marking enable
            set cos-marking-method multi-stage
            set cos 110
            set exceed-cos 101
            set maximum-cos 100
  3. Check the session list to verify that CoS 6 is marked:

    # diagnose sys session list 
    session info: proto=17 proto_state=00 duration=6 expire=180 timeout=0 flags=00000000 socktype=0 sockport=0 av_idx=0 use=3
    origin-shaper=multi-stage-cos-fgta prio=2 guarantee 125000Bps max 500000Bps traffic 504900Bps drops 163905268B
    reply-shaper=multi-stage-cos-fgta prio=2 guarantee 125000Bps max 500000Bps traffic 504900Bps drops 0B
    class_id=0 ha_id=0 policy_dir=0 tunnel=/ vlan_cos=6/6
    state=log may_dirty npu npd os rs f00 
    statistic(bytes/packets/allow_err): org=3804176/292/1 reply=0/0/0 tuples=2
    tx speed(Bps/kbps): 583462/4667 rx speed(Bps/kbps): 0/0
    orgin->sink: org pre->post, reply pre->post dev=19->47/47->19 gwy=
    hook=pre dir=org act=noop>
    hook=post dir=reply act=noop>
    src_mac=00:0c:29:57:2a:01  dst_mac=70:4c:a5:7d:d4:95
    misc=0 policy_id=7 pol_uuid_idx=1129 auth_info=0 chk_client_info=0 vd=2
    serial=0006613c tos=ff/ff app_list=0 app=0 url_cat=0
    rpdb_link_id=00000000 ngfwid=n/a
    npu info: flag=0x00/0x00, offload=0/0, ips_offload=0/0, epid=0/0, ipid=0/0, vlan=0x0000/0x0000
    vlifid=0/0, vtag_in=0x0000/0x0000 in_npu=0/0, out_npu=0/0, fwd_en=0/0, qid=0/0
    no_ofld_reason:  offload-denied
To configure mutli-stage VLAN CoS marking on FortiGate B:
  1. Configure the firewall policy:

    config firewall policy
        edit 4
            set srcintf "vlan100"
            set dstintf "vlan200"
            set action accept
            set srcaddr "all"
            set dstaddr "all"
            set srcaddr6 "all"
            set dstaddr6 "all"
            set schedule "always"
            set service "ALL"
            set logtraffic all
  2. Configure the traffic shaper:

    config firewall shaper traffic-shaper
        edit "multi-stage-cos-fgtb"
            set guaranteed-bandwidth 250
            set maximum-bandwidth 1000
            set per-policy enable
            set cos-marking enable
            set cos-marking-method multi-stage
            set cos 100
            set exceed-cos 101
            set maximum-cos 110
            set exceed-bandwidth 500

    Based on this traffic shaper, the following CoS marking rules will be applied:

    • If all traffic is less than the guaranteed bandwidth, then the traffic will be marked with CoS 4.

    • If all traffic is greater than the guaranteed bandwidth but less than the exceed bandwidth, then 50% of the traffic will be marked as CoS 4 and 50% as CoS 5.

    • If traffic is greater than the guaranteed bandwidth but less than the maximum bandwidth, then 50% of the traffic will be marked as CoS 6; CoS 4 and 5 will have another 50%.

    • If traffic is greater than the maximum bandwidth, then 50% of the traffic will be marked as CoS 6, 25% will be marked as CoS 4, and 25% will be marked as CoS 5. Packet drops will be visible in the debug output.

  3. Configure the traffic shaping policy:

    config firewall shaping-policy
        edit 1
            set service "ALL"
            set srcintf "vlan100"
            set dstintf "vlan200"
            set traffic-shaper "multi-stage-cos-fgtb"
            set traffic-shaper-reverse "multi-stage-cos-fgtb"
            set class-id 2
            set cos-mask 111
            set cos 110
            set srcaddr "all"
            set dstaddr "all"
  4. Check the session list to verify that the shaping ID (1) applied and CoS 4 is marked:

    # diagnose sys session list 
    session info: proto=1 proto_state=00 duration=1 expire=59 timeout=0 flags=00000000 socktype=0 sockport=0 av_idx=0 use=3
    origin-shaper=multi-stage-cos-fgtb prio=2 guarantee 31250Bps max 125000Bps traffic 236Bps drops 0B
    reply-shaper=multi-stage-cos-fgtb prio=2 guarantee 31250Bps max 125000Bps traffic 236Bps drops 0B
    class_id=2 shaping_policy_id=1 ha_id=0 policy_dir=0 tunnel=/ vlan_cos=4/4
    state=log may_dirty os rs f00 
    statistic(bytes/packets/allow_err): org=168/2/1 reply=168/2/1 tuples=2
    tx speed(Bps/kbps): 120/0 rx speed(Bps/kbps): 120/0
    orgin->sink: org pre->post, reply pre->post dev=59->61/61->59 gwy=
    hook=pre dir=org act=noop>
    hook=post dir=reply act=noop>
    src_mac=90:6c:ac:fb:bb:97  dst_mac=04:d5:90:36:73:3f
    misc=0 policy_id=3 pol_uuid_idx=1377 auth_info=0 chk_client_info=0 vd=4
    serial=00024329 tos=ff/ff app_list=0 app=0 url_cat=0
    rpdb_link_id=00000000 ngfwid=n/a
    no_ofld_reason:  non-npu-intf
    total session 1