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Signature definition notes

Signature definition notes

  • We recommend you use lower case, although keywords in a signature are not case-sensitive.
  • If your signature doesn't include keyword or value pairs for --attack_id, a value is automatically assigned. To avoid duplication, it is recommended that you allow the automatic assigning of values to --attack_id. The range of values for --attack_id is 1000 to 9999 (inclusive).
  • To match patterns using --pattern, you must enclose the pattern in double quotation marks (") and follow it with a semicolon. The special characters (" ; \ | :) must be written as (|22|, |3B| or |3b|, |5C| or |5c|, |7C| or |7c|, |3A| or |3a|). Although you can use backslash (\) to escape any character except a semicolon (;), we do not recommend this.
  • To match patterns using --pcre, you must enclose the pattern in double quotation marks (") and follow it with a semicolon (;). The special characters (" ; /) must be written as (\x22, \x3B or \x3b, \x2F or \x2f). Regular expressions should conform to the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) standard. See pcre for syntax details.
  • PCRE matching is the least efficient engine matching algorithm, and it can easily cause performance issues that are difficult to identify through testing.
  • To detect line endings (for example, when scanning HTTP headers), use “|0A|”, not “|0D 0A|”.
  • Use as long a pattern as possible with a range limit. Searching for short patterns, with a length less than four, is inefficient for the engine's matching algorithm.
  • If some encoded content is always the same, you can make a signature to match the encoded form. This allows for detection of the encoded content, even though the engine does not support decoding.
  • Do not use the no_case option on a non-alphabetic pattern.
  • Do not use the no_case option on case-sensitive patterns.

    Some programming languages are case-sensitive, like C, perl, php, etc. Parameters passed to these programs should not use no_case.

Signature definition notes

  • We recommend you use lower case, although keywords in a signature are not case-sensitive.
  • If your signature doesn't include keyword or value pairs for --attack_id, a value is automatically assigned. To avoid duplication, it is recommended that you allow the automatic assigning of values to --attack_id. The range of values for --attack_id is 1000 to 9999 (inclusive).
  • To match patterns using --pattern, you must enclose the pattern in double quotation marks (") and follow it with a semicolon. The special characters (" ; \ | :) must be written as (|22|, |3B| or |3b|, |5C| or |5c|, |7C| or |7c|, |3A| or |3a|). Although you can use backslash (\) to escape any character except a semicolon (;), we do not recommend this.
  • To match patterns using --pcre, you must enclose the pattern in double quotation marks (") and follow it with a semicolon (;). The special characters (" ; /) must be written as (\x22, \x3B or \x3b, \x2F or \x2f). Regular expressions should conform to the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) standard. See pcre for syntax details.
  • PCRE matching is the least efficient engine matching algorithm, and it can easily cause performance issues that are difficult to identify through testing.
  • To detect line endings (for example, when scanning HTTP headers), use “|0A|”, not “|0D 0A|”.
  • Use as long a pattern as possible with a range limit. Searching for short patterns, with a length less than four, is inefficient for the engine's matching algorithm.
  • If some encoded content is always the same, you can make a signature to match the encoded form. This allows for detection of the encoded content, even though the engine does not support decoding.
  • Do not use the no_case option on a non-alphabetic pattern.
  • Do not use the no_case option on case-sensitive patterns.

    Some programming languages are case-sensitive, like C, perl, php, etc. Parameters passed to these programs should not use no_case.