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Administration Guide

Injecting with the FortiOS API

Injecting with the FortiOS API

The FortiOS API method is useful for automating the migration of existing FortiGate-VM instances into FortiFlex. The FortiFlex API and documentation are available on the Fortinet Developer Network website.

Example: Inject a license via HTTP method:
<user_email>:~# curl -k --request POST 'http://<IP_address>/api/v2/monitor/system/vmlicense/download?token=<token_ID>&access_token=<access_token>'
Example: Inject a license via proxy URL:
<user_email>:~# curl -k --request POST 'https://<IP_address>/api/v2/monitor/system/vmlicense/download?token=<token_ID>&proxy_url=<proxy_URL>&access_token=<token>'

Injecting with the FortiOS API

The FortiOS API method is useful for automating the migration of existing FortiGate-VM instances into FortiFlex. The FortiFlex API and documentation are available on the Fortinet Developer Network website.

Example: Inject a license via HTTP method:
<user_email>:~# curl -k --request POST 'http://<IP_address>/api/v2/monitor/system/vmlicense/download?token=<token_ID>&access_token=<access_token>'
Example: Inject a license via proxy URL:
<user_email>:~# curl -k --request POST 'https://<IP_address>/api/v2/monitor/system/vmlicense/download?token=<token_ID>&proxy_url=<proxy_URL>&access_token=<token>'