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Device Management

Device Management

We'll go about this in two ways. First, we'll show you how to deploy a single device. Currently we've assigned an ADC to the Manager, but it hasn't been deployed; an ADC shows up on the Manager, but the Manager can't yet manage it. After that, when we've familiarized ourselves, we'll show you all the useful GUI functions of the Device Management dashboard.

1. Explore the individual managed ADC

2. Explore how to manage the ADC's in groups

Confused by the Device Management dashboard? See: Managing your ADC's.

Deploy your ADC

Here's your Device Management dashboard. Look on the sidebar to the left.

Right now we only have one ADC connected, CM-AGENT3. It's under the group "Unmanaged." It is represented on the map, near California. Ignore the other details for now.

1. Create Group

The ADC Manager uses groups to organize its ADC devices. Every ADC is placed into either "Unmanaged" or a group that you create. You cannot deploy an ADC without first moving it into a managed group.

Look on the top right. Use the Create Group function.

It will open a simple dialogue box. Name your group. Now it will appear on the left sidebar. I've named mine "sam."

Now I have two groups, "sam" and "unmanaged."

2. Deploy Devices

Finally, I can go to Deploy Devices, at the bottom left. A dialogue box will show. You will have the option to place your device into the group that you just created. Do that.

Your device will move into the created group. See how CM-AGENT3 has moved under "sam"?

Now you can click into the ADC, in my case, CM-AGENT3.Enter to see the individual ADC dashboard.

Device Management

We'll go about this in two ways. First, we'll show you how to deploy a single device. Currently we've assigned an ADC to the Manager, but it hasn't been deployed; an ADC shows up on the Manager, but the Manager can't yet manage it. After that, when we've familiarized ourselves, we'll show you all the useful GUI functions of the Device Management dashboard.

1. Explore the individual managed ADC

2. Explore how to manage the ADC's in groups

Confused by the Device Management dashboard? See: Managing your ADC's.

Deploy your ADC

Here's your Device Management dashboard. Look on the sidebar to the left.

Right now we only have one ADC connected, CM-AGENT3. It's under the group "Unmanaged." It is represented on the map, near California. Ignore the other details for now.

1. Create Group

The ADC Manager uses groups to organize its ADC devices. Every ADC is placed into either "Unmanaged" or a group that you create. You cannot deploy an ADC without first moving it into a managed group.

Look on the top right. Use the Create Group function.

It will open a simple dialogue box. Name your group. Now it will appear on the left sidebar. I've named mine "sam."

Now I have two groups, "sam" and "unmanaged."

2. Deploy Devices

Finally, I can go to Deploy Devices, at the bottom left. A dialogue box will show. You will have the option to place your device into the group that you just created. Do that.

Your device will move into the created group. See how CM-AGENT3 has moved under "sam"?

Now you can click into the ADC, in my case, CM-AGENT3.Enter to see the individual ADC dashboard.