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CLI Reference

execute dns rebuild

execute dns rebuild

Use this command to rebuild the dnsd which resets the rs_fqdn table and other related real server and pool in the event the auto-population fails to work for pool members set to auto-populate.

This command will delete the backend IP FQDN resolved table which will cause some interruptions to the traffic of the related virtual-server. Prior to using this command, it is recommended to check the DNS server's connection. If the DNS server is unreachable, the name resolution cannot be done, and related virtual server traffic would not resume until the IP resolution is done.

Depending on the real server type, one of the following will happen if you use this command:

  • If the real server type is FQDN — the rs_fqdn table will be refreshed, which will cause interruptions to related virtual server traffic.
  • If the real server type is FQDN Populate More — all related auto-populate configurations will regenerate, which will cause interruptions to related virtual server traffic.


execute dnsd rebuild all all

execute dnsd rebuild <vdom> <rs-name>

all all

Dnsd rebuild the rs_fqdn table.

<vdom> <rs-name>

Dnsd update the rs_fqdn table for the specified VDOM and real server.

execute dns rebuild

Use this command to rebuild the dnsd which resets the rs_fqdn table and other related real server and pool in the event the auto-population fails to work for pool members set to auto-populate.

This command will delete the backend IP FQDN resolved table which will cause some interruptions to the traffic of the related virtual-server. Prior to using this command, it is recommended to check the DNS server's connection. If the DNS server is unreachable, the name resolution cannot be done, and related virtual server traffic would not resume until the IP resolution is done.

Depending on the real server type, one of the following will happen if you use this command:

  • If the real server type is FQDN — the rs_fqdn table will be refreshed, which will cause interruptions to related virtual server traffic.
  • If the real server type is FQDN Populate More — all related auto-populate configurations will regenerate, which will cause interruptions to related virtual server traffic.


execute dnsd rebuild all all

execute dnsd rebuild <vdom> <rs-name>

all all

Dnsd rebuild the rs_fqdn table.

<vdom> <rs-name>

Dnsd update the rs_fqdn table for the specified VDOM and real server.