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ServiceNow roles

ServiceNow roles

Admins need a ServiceNow account with the right roles to work with ServiceNow apps. For information on ServiceNow-specific roles, see the ServiceNow Base system roles.

Admins also need to have the right roles added by the FortiAnalyzer Integration App depending on their responsibilities. The following are the FortiAnalyzer Integration App roles and descriptions:




This role has full control over the app. Admins who do debugging and maintenance need this role to edit tables and records.


This role is required to view FortiAnalyzer incidents, events, tables, and records in the app. Security analysts need this role to work with incidents.


This role is required to access ServiceNow API so FortiAnalyzer can send incident notifications to the FortiAnalyzer Integration App.

ServiceNow roles

Admins need a ServiceNow account with the right roles to work with ServiceNow apps. For information on ServiceNow-specific roles, see the ServiceNow Base system roles.

Admins also need to have the right roles added by the FortiAnalyzer Integration App depending on their responsibilities. The following are the FortiAnalyzer Integration App roles and descriptions:




This role has full control over the app. Admins who do debugging and maintenance need this role to edit tables and records.


This role is required to view FortiAnalyzer incidents, events, tables, and records in the app. Security analysts need this role to work with incidents.


This role is required to access ServiceNow API so FortiAnalyzer can send incident notifications to the FortiAnalyzer Integration App.