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Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage


To use FortiCASB with Google Cloud Platform, you must have a G Suite account,service account, and the JSON private key associated with the service account. The service account must have “G Suite Domain-wide Delegation” enabled and Project Owner/Organization Administrator roles for monitoring.

Steps to Add Google Cloud Account

  1. Configure G Suite Account
  2. Configure Service Account
  3. Enable required APIs
  4. Enable activity and alert monitoring
  5. Add Google Cloud Storage Account

Your G Suite account can be either an existing account or a new account. If you have just created a new account, you must wait for at least 24 hours for the account to take effect before granting it access to FortiCASB. The G Suite account to which you connect from within FortiCASB must have the Super Admin role in your G Suite account.

Google Cloud Storage


To use FortiCASB with Google Cloud Platform, you must have a G Suite account,service account, and the JSON private key associated with the service account. The service account must have “G Suite Domain-wide Delegation” enabled and Project Owner/Organization Administrator roles for monitoring.

Steps to Add Google Cloud Account

  1. Configure G Suite Account
  2. Configure Service Account
  3. Enable required APIs
  4. Enable activity and alert monitoring
  5. Add Google Cloud Storage Account

Your G Suite account can be either an existing account or a new account. If you have just created a new account, you must wait for at least 24 hours for the account to take effect before granting it access to FortiCASB. The G Suite account to which you connect from within FortiCASB must have the Super Admin role in your G Suite account.