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Add Prefix/Suffix or Replace Object Name

Add Prefix/Suffix or Replace Object Name

Add Prefix/Suffix to object(s) name

Find and replace the object(s) name

Add Prefix/Suffix to object(s) name

  1. Go to the address (group) or service (group) tuning page.
  2. From the table of objects, select the object(s) you want to add the prefix/suffix name.
  3. Right-click to view the context menu and select Add Prefix/Suffix.
  4. Enter the Prefix or Suffix string you want to add to the object name, both prefix or suffix addition are supported.
  5. Click Apply to apply the changes.

Find and replace the object(s) name

  1. Got to the address(group) or service(group) tuning page.
  2. From the table of objects, select the object(s) you want to replace the name.
  3. Right-click to view the context menu and select Replace By.
  4. Enter the string pattern and the string you want to replace.
  5. Click Apply to apply the changes.

Add Prefix/Suffix or Replace Object Name

Add Prefix/Suffix to object(s) name

Find and replace the object(s) name

Add Prefix/Suffix to object(s) name

  1. Go to the address (group) or service (group) tuning page.
  2. From the table of objects, select the object(s) you want to add the prefix/suffix name.
  3. Right-click to view the context menu and select Add Prefix/Suffix.
  4. Enter the Prefix or Suffix string you want to add to the object name, both prefix or suffix addition are supported.
  5. Click Apply to apply the changes.

Find and replace the object(s) name

  1. Got to the address(group) or service(group) tuning page.
  2. From the table of objects, select the object(s) you want to replace the name.
  3. Right-click to view the context menu and select Replace By.
  4. Enter the string pattern and the string you want to replace.
  5. Click Apply to apply the changes.