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SonicWall Conversion

SonicWall Conversion

SonicWall differences

Special characters

FortiGate reserves '#' (hash sign), '(', and ')' (open and close curved brackets) as special characters. You can't use them in the configuration unless an escape sequence precedes them. FortiConverter replaces these characters with the characters: '*' (star), '[' and ']' (open and close square brackets).


  • The address book "SNWL #1" becomes "SNWL *1".
  • The service book "Citrix TCP (Session Reliability)" becomes "Citrix TCP [Session Reliability]".

Address book configuration

  • FortiConverter generates two extra address book entries: "Any" and "_Address_Null".
  • "Any" is added because it is a default address book in SonicWall.
  • FortiConverter generates "_Address_Null" because FortiGate address groups don't allow a group without any members. Only empty address groups can refer to "_Address_Null".

Service book configuration

FortiConverter doesn't migrate SonicWall service objects that are predefined on FortiGate. For example, HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443.

Schedule configuration

  • A SonicWall schedule group can contain only one "one-time" schedule and multiple "recur" schedules. The "one-time" schedule is an implicit object that you can embed in the schedule group. Because FortiGate defines each schedule group explicitly, FortiConverter automatically generates "one-time" schedules for the SonicWall implicit schedules.
  • FortiGate time schedule configuration doesn't support "24:00" (equal to the next day’s 00:00). It uses "00:00" instead. When FortiConverter converts a SonicWall "recur" time schedule such as "M 00:00 to 24:00", it sets the end time to "00:00".

Local User and User Group

  • Because FortiConverter can't parse the local user’s password string, it sets all passwords to "123456".
  • Unlike FortiConverter, SonicWall allows you to nest user groups.

For example, in SonicWall, usergroup1 can be a member of usergroup1. FortiConverter removes any nested configurations.

Route configuration

  • FortiConverter doesn't convert automatically generated routes like connected route and host route.

SonicWall Conversion

SonicWall differences

Special characters

FortiGate reserves '#' (hash sign), '(', and ')' (open and close curved brackets) as special characters. You can't use them in the configuration unless an escape sequence precedes them. FortiConverter replaces these characters with the characters: '*' (star), '[' and ']' (open and close square brackets).


  • The address book "SNWL #1" becomes "SNWL *1".
  • The service book "Citrix TCP (Session Reliability)" becomes "Citrix TCP [Session Reliability]".

Address book configuration

  • FortiConverter generates two extra address book entries: "Any" and "_Address_Null".
  • "Any" is added because it is a default address book in SonicWall.
  • FortiConverter generates "_Address_Null" because FortiGate address groups don't allow a group without any members. Only empty address groups can refer to "_Address_Null".

Service book configuration

FortiConverter doesn't migrate SonicWall service objects that are predefined on FortiGate. For example, HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443.

Schedule configuration

  • A SonicWall schedule group can contain only one "one-time" schedule and multiple "recur" schedules. The "one-time" schedule is an implicit object that you can embed in the schedule group. Because FortiGate defines each schedule group explicitly, FortiConverter automatically generates "one-time" schedules for the SonicWall implicit schedules.
  • FortiGate time schedule configuration doesn't support "24:00" (equal to the next day’s 00:00). It uses "00:00" instead. When FortiConverter converts a SonicWall "recur" time schedule such as "M 00:00 to 24:00", it sets the end time to "00:00".

Local User and User Group

  • Because FortiConverter can't parse the local user’s password string, it sets all passwords to "123456".
  • Unlike FortiConverter, SonicWall allows you to nest user groups.

For example, in SonicWall, usergroup1 can be a member of usergroup1. FortiConverter removes any nested configurations.

Route configuration

  • FortiConverter doesn't convert automatically generated routes like connected route and host route.