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Configuring the Sybase Monitoring and Diagnostic (MDA) tables

Configuring the Sybase Monitoring and Diagnostic (MDA) tables

To set the size of tempdb for MDA

it seems to me that we say MDA when we mean the Sybase audit system

For best results, ensure the temporary database (tempdb) has more than 100MB of free space.

  1. Connect to the master database as the sa user.
  2. Check the size of tempdb.
  3. For example, execute the following command:



    name db_size owner dbid created status

    -------------- ------------- ----- ------ ------------------


    master 13.0 MB sa 1 Dec 07, 2007

    mixed log and data

    model 4.0 MB sa 3 Dec 07, 2007

    mixed log and data

    sybmgmtdb 75.0 MB sa 4 Dec 07, 2007

    select into/bulkcopy/pllsort, trunc log on chkpt, mixed log and data

    sybsystemdb 3.0 MB sa 31513 Dec 07, 2007

    mixed log and data

    sybsystemprocs 120.0 MB sa 31514 Dec 07, 2007

    trunc log on chkpt, mixed log and data

    tempdb 4.0 MB sa 2 Nov 11, 2008

    select into/bulkcopy/pllsort, trunc log on chkpt, mixed log and data

    text_db 5.5 MB sa 5 Dec 07, 2007

    trunc log on chkpt, mixed log and data

  4. Allocate an appropriate amount of disk space to tempdb.
  5. For example, to allocate 500 MB, which is 256000 pages, execute the following command:

    disk init name = "tempdb_data01",

    physname = "/export/home/sybase/data/tempdb_data01.dat",

    size = 256000


  6. Allocate disk space on the new device to tempdb.
  7. For example, execute the following command:

    alter database tempdb on tempdb_data01 = 500


    Extending database by 256000 pages (500.0 megabytes) on disk tempdb_data01

To configure the login trigger for session policies

Login triggers execute a specified stored procedure every time a user logs in.

  1. Drop any existing FortiDB_audit table.
  2. For example, to drop the table FortiDB_audit, use the following command:

    drop table master.dbo.FortiDB_audit


  3. Create a table to store login information in.
  4. For example, to create the table FortiDB_audit in the master database, use the following command:

    create table master.dbo.FortiDB_audit


    spid smallint,

    kpid int,

    suid int,

    loginname varchar(30),

    dbusername varchar(30),

    dbid smallint,

    dbname varchar(30),

    program_name varchar(30) null,

    hostprocess varchar(30) null,

    ipaddr varchar(64) null ,

    loggedindatetime datetime



  5. Create a procedure for the login trigger.
  6. For example, to create the procedure login_proc, use the following script:

    use master


    drop procedure login_proc


    create procedure login_proc



    insert into master.dbo.FortiDB_audit













    from master.dbo.sysprocesses S

    where S.spid = @@spid



  7. Create the login trigger.
  8. For example, use the following command:

    sp_logintrigger 'master.dbo.login_proc'


    Global login trigger updated.

    If sp_logintrigger is not installed, recreate the master database procedures.

    For example, for UNIX, execute the following script:

    isql -Usa -P<password> -i$SYBASE/ASE-15_0/scripts/installmaster

    For Windows, execute the following script:

    isql -Usa -P<password> -i$SYBASE/ASE-15_0/scripts/installmstr

    If you need to drop the global trigger, execute:

    sp_logintrigger 'drop'


  9. Grant permission to execute login_proc to public.
  10. For example:

    grant execute on dbo.login_proc to public


To set the MDA parameters
  1. Configure MDA parameters.
  2. For example, for Linux, use the following commands (for Windows, enter "go" for each execution):

    sp_configure "enable cis", 1

    sp_addserver loopback, null, @@servername (not required for 15.0.2 or later)

    set cis_rpc_handling on (not required for 15.0.2 or later)

    exec loopback...sp_who (note: 3 dots)

    sp_configure "errorlog pipe active", 1

    sp_configure "deadlock pipe active", 1

    sp_configure "wait event timing", 1

    sp_configure "process wait events", 1

    sp_configure "object lockwait timing", 1


    For the monSysStatement table:

    sp_configure "statement statistics active",1

    sp_configure "statement pipe max messages",30000

    sp_configure "per object statistics active",1

    sp_configure "statement pipe active" ,1


    For the monSysSQLText table:

    sp_configure "max SQL text monitored" , 8192

    sp_configure "SQL batch capture", 1

    sp_configure "sql text pipe max messages", 30000

    sp_configure "sql text pipe active", 1


    Additional parameter values to set:

    sp_configure "max memory" , 256000

    sp_configure "event buffers per engine", 2000

    sp_configure "plan text pipe max messages", 100

    sp_configure "errorlog pipe max messages", 30000

    sp_configure "deadlock pipe max messages", 100


  3. Restart the database.
  4. To configure the monitoring table to collect data, use the following command:
  5. sp_configure "enable monitoring" , 1


To connect to the Sybase database and clear the MDA buffer

Clear the MDA buffer only after the FortiDB database user has made an initial connection to the database.

  1. Connect to the Sybase database that you have configured for monitoring by FortiDB.
  2. See Adding (or modifying) a target connection.

  3. To clear the MDA buffer, use the following commands:
  4. select top 1 * from dbo.monSysSQLText


    select top 1 * from dbo.monSysStatement


See also

Configuring the Sybase Monitoring and Diagnostic (MDA) tables

To set the size of tempdb for MDA

it seems to me that we say MDA when we mean the Sybase audit system

For best results, ensure the temporary database (tempdb) has more than 100MB of free space.

  1. Connect to the master database as the sa user.
  2. Check the size of tempdb.
  3. For example, execute the following command:



    name db_size owner dbid created status

    -------------- ------------- ----- ------ ------------------


    master 13.0 MB sa 1 Dec 07, 2007

    mixed log and data

    model 4.0 MB sa 3 Dec 07, 2007

    mixed log and data

    sybmgmtdb 75.0 MB sa 4 Dec 07, 2007

    select into/bulkcopy/pllsort, trunc log on chkpt, mixed log and data

    sybsystemdb 3.0 MB sa 31513 Dec 07, 2007

    mixed log and data

    sybsystemprocs 120.0 MB sa 31514 Dec 07, 2007

    trunc log on chkpt, mixed log and data

    tempdb 4.0 MB sa 2 Nov 11, 2008

    select into/bulkcopy/pllsort, trunc log on chkpt, mixed log and data

    text_db 5.5 MB sa 5 Dec 07, 2007

    trunc log on chkpt, mixed log and data

  4. Allocate an appropriate amount of disk space to tempdb.
  5. For example, to allocate 500 MB, which is 256000 pages, execute the following command:

    disk init name = "tempdb_data01",

    physname = "/export/home/sybase/data/tempdb_data01.dat",

    size = 256000


  6. Allocate disk space on the new device to tempdb.
  7. For example, execute the following command:

    alter database tempdb on tempdb_data01 = 500


    Extending database by 256000 pages (500.0 megabytes) on disk tempdb_data01

To configure the login trigger for session policies

Login triggers execute a specified stored procedure every time a user logs in.

  1. Drop any existing FortiDB_audit table.
  2. For example, to drop the table FortiDB_audit, use the following command:

    drop table master.dbo.FortiDB_audit


  3. Create a table to store login information in.
  4. For example, to create the table FortiDB_audit in the master database, use the following command:

    create table master.dbo.FortiDB_audit


    spid smallint,

    kpid int,

    suid int,

    loginname varchar(30),

    dbusername varchar(30),

    dbid smallint,

    dbname varchar(30),

    program_name varchar(30) null,

    hostprocess varchar(30) null,

    ipaddr varchar(64) null ,

    loggedindatetime datetime



  5. Create a procedure for the login trigger.
  6. For example, to create the procedure login_proc, use the following script:

    use master


    drop procedure login_proc


    create procedure login_proc



    insert into master.dbo.FortiDB_audit













    from master.dbo.sysprocesses S

    where S.spid = @@spid



  7. Create the login trigger.
  8. For example, use the following command:

    sp_logintrigger 'master.dbo.login_proc'


    Global login trigger updated.

    If sp_logintrigger is not installed, recreate the master database procedures.

    For example, for UNIX, execute the following script:

    isql -Usa -P<password> -i$SYBASE/ASE-15_0/scripts/installmaster

    For Windows, execute the following script:

    isql -Usa -P<password> -i$SYBASE/ASE-15_0/scripts/installmstr

    If you need to drop the global trigger, execute:

    sp_logintrigger 'drop'


  9. Grant permission to execute login_proc to public.
  10. For example:

    grant execute on dbo.login_proc to public


To set the MDA parameters
  1. Configure MDA parameters.
  2. For example, for Linux, use the following commands (for Windows, enter "go" for each execution):

    sp_configure "enable cis", 1

    sp_addserver loopback, null, @@servername (not required for 15.0.2 or later)

    set cis_rpc_handling on (not required for 15.0.2 or later)

    exec loopback...sp_who (note: 3 dots)

    sp_configure "errorlog pipe active", 1

    sp_configure "deadlock pipe active", 1

    sp_configure "wait event timing", 1

    sp_configure "process wait events", 1

    sp_configure "object lockwait timing", 1


    For the monSysStatement table:

    sp_configure "statement statistics active",1

    sp_configure "statement pipe max messages",30000

    sp_configure "per object statistics active",1

    sp_configure "statement pipe active" ,1


    For the monSysSQLText table:

    sp_configure "max SQL text monitored" , 8192

    sp_configure "SQL batch capture", 1

    sp_configure "sql text pipe max messages", 30000

    sp_configure "sql text pipe active", 1


    Additional parameter values to set:

    sp_configure "max memory" , 256000

    sp_configure "event buffers per engine", 2000

    sp_configure "plan text pipe max messages", 100

    sp_configure "errorlog pipe max messages", 30000

    sp_configure "deadlock pipe max messages", 100


  3. Restart the database.
  4. To configure the monitoring table to collect data, use the following command:
  5. sp_configure "enable monitoring" , 1


To connect to the Sybase database and clear the MDA buffer

Clear the MDA buffer only after the FortiDB database user has made an initial connection to the database.

  1. Connect to the Sybase database that you have configured for monitoring by FortiDB.
  2. See Adding (or modifying) a target connection.

  3. To clear the MDA buffer, use the following commands:
  4. select top 1 * from dbo.monSysSQLText


    select top 1 * from dbo.monSysStatement


See also