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What's New

What's New

This release of FortiDevSec includes the following new features.



Outbreak Alerts

The FortiDevSec now displays FortiGuard outbreak alerts identified after performing the application scan. FortiDevSec users can navigate to FortiGuard Outbreak Alert page for in-depth analysis of the vulnerability.

This feature is currently available for SCA and Container scanners.

CVE details

The CVE details for the SCA and Container scanners are now displayed in the vulnerability details page.

Default DAST scanner

The default DAST scanner FortiPenTest is renamed as FortiDAST.


The FortiDevSec scan results now include Remediation field in the identified vulnerability details page that provides information (if available) on how to fix/avoid the vulnerability.

This feature is supported for SCA, Container, and FortiDAST scanners.

Note: Scanner docker images must be updated using docker pull <image> command to the latest version to use the new features.

What's New

This release of FortiDevSec includes the following new features.



Outbreak Alerts

The FortiDevSec now displays FortiGuard outbreak alerts identified after performing the application scan. FortiDevSec users can navigate to FortiGuard Outbreak Alert page for in-depth analysis of the vulnerability.

This feature is currently available for SCA and Container scanners.

CVE details

The CVE details for the SCA and Container scanners are now displayed in the vulnerability details page.

Default DAST scanner

The default DAST scanner FortiPenTest is renamed as FortiDAST.


The FortiDevSec scan results now include Remediation field in the identified vulnerability details page that provides information (if available) on how to fix/avoid the vulnerability.

This feature is supported for SCA, Container, and FortiDAST scanners.

Note: Scanner docker images must be updated using docker pull <image> command to the latest version to use the new features.