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GCP Administration Guide

Creating a target instance for each FortiGate-VM

Creating a target instance for each FortiGate-VM

To create a target instance for each FortiGate-VM:
  1. Create a target instance around the primary FortiGate-VM instance:

    gcloud compute target-instances create doc-pf-primary-instance \ --instance <INSTANCE_NAME>

  2. Create a target instance around the secondary FortiGate-VM instance:

    gcloud compute target-instances create doc-pf-secondary-instance \ --instance <INSTANCE_NAME>

  3. Create a forwarding rule:

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create doc-pf-rule \ --ip-protocol TCP \ --ports 80 \ --target-instance doc-pf-primary-instance \ --target-instance-zone=$zone1 \ --region us-central1

Creating a target instance for each FortiGate-VM

To create a target instance for each FortiGate-VM:
  1. Create a target instance around the primary FortiGate-VM instance:

    gcloud compute target-instances create doc-pf-primary-instance \ --instance <INSTANCE_NAME>

  2. Create a target instance around the secondary FortiGate-VM instance:

    gcloud compute target-instances create doc-pf-secondary-instance \ --instance <INSTANCE_NAME>

  3. Create a forwarding rule:

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create doc-pf-rule \ --ip-protocol TCP \ --ports 80 \ --target-instance doc-pf-primary-instance \ --target-instance-zone=$zone1 \ --region us-central1