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Add a single subnet

Add a single subnet

Before adding a subnet, go to Heatmap View in FortiIPAM to find an available subnet. After targeting a set of available subnet, record down the subnet. And go back to List View to add the subnet.

  1. From List View, click Add Subnet drop down menu and select Single Add.
  2. In Add Single Subnet view, enter the IP address and CIDR. The CIDR represents the network suffix, any number between 0 to 32.

    For example, to add the subnet, enter to the Address field, and then add 24 to the CIDR field.

  3. The number of IPs and Net Mask will be updated accordingly as you entered the CIDR.

    From the example above, the subnet will provide 256 IP addresses and has a netmask of

  4. Click the drop down menu in Choose Destination and select a group folder to add the subnet.
  5. Click Add Subnet to finish adding the subnet.

Add a single subnet

Before adding a subnet, go to Heatmap View in FortiIPAM to find an available subnet. After targeting a set of available subnet, record down the subnet. And go back to List View to add the subnet.

  1. From List View, click Add Subnet drop down menu and select Single Add.
  2. In Add Single Subnet view, enter the IP address and CIDR. The CIDR represents the network suffix, any number between 0 to 32.

    For example, to add the subnet, enter to the Address field, and then add 24 to the CIDR field.

  3. The number of IPs and Net Mask will be updated accordingly as you entered the CIDR.

    From the example above, the subnet will provide 256 IP addresses and has a netmask of

  4. Click the drop down menu in Choose Destination and select a group folder to add the subnet.
  5. Click Add Subnet to finish adding the subnet.