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Control Manager

Mobile providers

Mobile providers

The Mobile Providers window displays the default set of providers included in the database. FortiNAC uses the Mobile Providers list to send SMS messages to guests and administrators by sending email to an address that is a combination of the Mobile Phone number and the Mobile Provider's email address.

This list is populated with some known Mobile Providers but is not comprehensive nor is it updated by Fortinet. You can add, delete or modify Mobile Providers as needed. Mobile Providers can be enabled or disabled individually to limit the number of providers displayed in drop-down lists when configuring guests, users and administrators.

See Navigation and Filters for information on common navigation tools and data filters.

In use

To find the list of users associated with a provider, select the provider and click the In Use button. A message is displayed indicating whether or not the provider is associated with any user or guest records. If users are associated with the provider, a list of User IDs is displayed.

Mobile providers

The Mobile Providers window displays the default set of providers included in the database. FortiNAC uses the Mobile Providers list to send SMS messages to guests and administrators by sending email to an address that is a combination of the Mobile Phone number and the Mobile Provider's email address.

This list is populated with some known Mobile Providers but is not comprehensive nor is it updated by Fortinet. You can add, delete or modify Mobile Providers as needed. Mobile Providers can be enabled or disabled individually to limit the number of providers displayed in drop-down lists when configuring guests, users and administrators.

See Navigation and Filters for information on common navigation tools and data filters.

In use

To find the list of users associated with a provider, select the provider and click the In Use button. A message is displayed indicating whether or not the provider is associated with any user or guest records. If users are associated with the provider, a list of User IDs is displayed.