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Administration Guide



FortiPAM allows you to set up login disclaimers.

Once you are successfully authenticated, a login disclaimer banner appears. You must click Accept to access FortiPAM. If you click Decline, you are logged out immediately.

Login disclaimers can only be set via the CLI.

Disclaimers via the CLI Example

To configure a login disclaimer:
  1. In the CLI console, enter the following command to enable the login disclaimer:

    config system global

    set post-login-banner enable #display the administrator access disclaimer message after an administrator successfully logs in


  2. In the CLI console, enter the following commands to set up the login disclaimer:

    config system replacemsg admin post_admin-disclaimer-text

    set buffer "POST WARNING:

    This is a private computer system. Unauthorized access or use is prohibited and subject to prosecution and/or disciplinary action. Any use of this system constitutes consent to monitoring at all times and users are not entitled to any expectation of privacy. If monitoring reveals possible evidence of violation of criminal statutes, this evidence and any other related information, including identification information about the user, may be provided to law enforcement officials. If monitoring reveals violations of security regulations or unauthorized use, employees who violate security regulations or make unauthorized use of this system are subject to appropriate disciplinary action."

    set header none

    set format text


    The disclaimer must begin and end with quotation marks.


FortiPAM allows you to set up login disclaimers.

Once you are successfully authenticated, a login disclaimer banner appears. You must click Accept to access FortiPAM. If you click Decline, you are logged out immediately.

Login disclaimers can only be set via the CLI.

Disclaimers via the CLI Example

To configure a login disclaimer:
  1. In the CLI console, enter the following command to enable the login disclaimer:

    config system global

    set post-login-banner enable #display the administrator access disclaimer message after an administrator successfully logs in


  2. In the CLI console, enter the following commands to set up the login disclaimer:

    config system replacemsg admin post_admin-disclaimer-text

    set buffer "POST WARNING:

    This is a private computer system. Unauthorized access or use is prohibited and subject to prosecution and/or disciplinary action. Any use of this system constitutes consent to monitoring at all times and users are not entitled to any expectation of privacy. If monitoring reveals possible evidence of violation of criminal statutes, this evidence and any other related information, including identification information about the user, may be provided to law enforcement officials. If monitoring reveals violations of security regulations or unauthorized use, employees who violate security regulations or make unauthorized use of this system are subject to appropriate disciplinary action."

    set header none

    set format text


    The disclaimer must begin and end with quotation marks.