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Launching FortiTester-VM

Launching FortiTester-VM

To deploy FortiTester-VM on Amazon EC2 from AMI image, follow steps below.

  1. Change dashboards to the EC2 dashboard. Click Launch Instance.
  2. Search FortiTester and select Fortinet FortiTester Application Security Testing (BYOL) from AWS Marketplace.
  3. Choose an instance type and click Next: Configure Instance Details.
  4. Configure the instance details and click Next: Add Storage.
  5. Configure instance storage and click Next: Add Tags.
  6. Add tags optionally and click Next: Configure Security Group.
  7. Configure security group and click Review and Launch.
    Select the created management port security group management_port_group.
  8. Configure Key Pair.
    In this example, we choose Proceed without a key pair so we need to use the default FortiTester username and password to SSH into to the instance. You can also create a new key pair for easier access to the instance. For more information on key pair, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs.
  9. Go to INSTANCES > Instances. Select the launched instance, and click Actions > Instance State > Stop to stop the instance.

Launching FortiTester-VM

To deploy FortiTester-VM on Amazon EC2 from AMI image, follow steps below.

  1. Change dashboards to the EC2 dashboard. Click Launch Instance.
  2. Search FortiTester and select Fortinet FortiTester Application Security Testing (BYOL) from AWS Marketplace.
  3. Choose an instance type and click Next: Configure Instance Details.
  4. Configure the instance details and click Next: Add Storage.
  5. Configure instance storage and click Next: Add Tags.
  6. Add tags optionally and click Next: Configure Security Group.
  7. Configure security group and click Review and Launch.
    Select the created management port security group management_port_group.
  8. Configure Key Pair.
    In this example, we choose Proceed without a key pair so we need to use the default FortiTester username and password to SSH into to the instance. You can also create a new key pair for easier access to the instance. For more information on key pair, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs.
  9. Go to INSTANCES > Instances. Select the launched instance, and click Actions > Instance State > Stop to stop the instance.