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Known issues

Known issues

This section lists the known issues of this release, but is not a complete list.

For inquiries about a particular bug, visit the Fortinet Support website.

Bug ID Description
642404 Opening push notifications crashes the FortiToken Mobile app
553616 "Due to transferring/deleting token" would incorrectly display when no pin is set
604143 New FortiGuard authentication with 3rd party SSL validation

Special notices

This following considerations should be taken into account for this release of FortiToken Mobile for iOS.

FortiAuthenticator PIN challenge bypass

On a device with iOS Passcode enabled, if a token is installed that has "PIN Required" enforced on the FortiAuthenticator, and the enforced PIN length is less than or equal to six digits, the application will bypass the PIN challenge.

Restoring old tokens

If tokens were restored from a different iOS device, or if the restoration was carried out with unencrypted backups from the same device in a previous FortiToken Mobile version, for security reasons, you will be forced to delete all tokens from the current device and re-install them. This is the case even if you installed valid tokens after restoring old tokens.

Known issues

This section lists the known issues of this release, but is not a complete list.

For inquiries about a particular bug, visit the Fortinet Support website.

Bug ID Description
642404 Opening push notifications crashes the FortiToken Mobile app
553616 "Due to transferring/deleting token" would incorrectly display when no pin is set
604143 New FortiGuard authentication with 3rd party SSL validation

Special notices

This following considerations should be taken into account for this release of FortiToken Mobile for iOS.

FortiAuthenticator PIN challenge bypass

On a device with iOS Passcode enabled, if a token is installed that has "PIN Required" enforced on the FortiAuthenticator, and the enforced PIN length is less than or equal to six digits, the application will bypass the PIN challenge.

Restoring old tokens

If tokens were restored from a different iOS device, or if the restoration was carried out with unencrypted backups from the same device in a previous FortiToken Mobile version, for security reasons, you will be forced to delete all tokens from the current device and re-install them. This is the case even if you installed valid tokens after restoring old tokens.