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Creating and editing a FortiVoice-VM instance

Creating and editing a FortiVoice-VM instance

Use this procedure to create a FortiVoice-VM instance in Google Compute Engine using the Google Cloud Console.

Create the FortiVoice-VM instance
  1. In the Google Cloud Platform Console, click the Navigation menu .
  2. In Compute, go to Compute Engine > VM instances.
  3. Click Create instance.
  4. Note

    A VM instance name is permanent and must start with a lowercase letter followed by up to 62 lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens, and cannot end with a hyphen.

  5. Specify a Name for the VM instance.
  6. In Machine configuration, General-purpose tab, configure the following settings:
    1. In Series, select E2.
    2. In Region and Zone, change the selection, if required.
    3. In Machine type, make a selection. For details, see Machine type support.
  7. In Boot disk, click Change.

  8. In the Boot disk dialog, configure the following settings:
    1. Click the Custom images tab.
    2. In Image, select the image that you created in Creating the FortiVoice deployment image.

    3. To save the boot disk changes, click Select.
  9. In Firewall, select Allow HTTPS traffic.
  10. Click Create.
  11. Wait for the VM instance creation to complete.
Edit the FortiVoice-VM instance
  1. From the VM Instances page, go to the Name column and click on the newly created VM instance.
  2. Click Stop.
  3. Wait for Google Cloud to display a message that the FortiVoice-VM has stopped.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. In Remote access, select Enable connecting to serial ports.

  6. In Device name, select Based on disk name (default).

  7. In Additional disks, click Add new disk.

  8. Configure the following settings:
    1. Specify a Name for this new disk or accept the default.
    2. In Mode, select Read/write.
    3. In Deletion rule, select Delete disk.

    4. In the New disk section, click Done.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Wait for the process to complete.
  11. To start the VM instance, click Start / Resume.
  12. Wait for the process to complete.
  13. Continue with the next section to monitor the setup of the the FortiVoice-VM instance.
Monitor the setup of the FortiVoice-VM instance
  1. From the VM instance details page, go to Remote access and click Connect to serial console.

    An interactive serial console window opens and shows the activities taking place on the FortiVoice-VM instance.

  2. Monitor the setup activities on the FortiVoice-VM. When the setup is complete, the console will show the login prompt
  3. Copy the GCP instance ID. You will need this information to log in to the VM instance.

    Example of an interactive serial console window

  4. Close the interactive serial console window.

    You have completed this procedure.

  5. Go to Connecting to the FortiVoice-VM instance.

Creating and editing a FortiVoice-VM instance

Use this procedure to create a FortiVoice-VM instance in Google Compute Engine using the Google Cloud Console.

Create the FortiVoice-VM instance
  1. In the Google Cloud Platform Console, click the Navigation menu .
  2. In Compute, go to Compute Engine > VM instances.
  3. Click Create instance.
  4. Note

    A VM instance name is permanent and must start with a lowercase letter followed by up to 62 lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens, and cannot end with a hyphen.

  5. Specify a Name for the VM instance.
  6. In Machine configuration, General-purpose tab, configure the following settings:
    1. In Series, select E2.
    2. In Region and Zone, change the selection, if required.
    3. In Machine type, make a selection. For details, see Machine type support.
  7. In Boot disk, click Change.

  8. In the Boot disk dialog, configure the following settings:
    1. Click the Custom images tab.
    2. In Image, select the image that you created in Creating the FortiVoice deployment image.

    3. To save the boot disk changes, click Select.
  9. In Firewall, select Allow HTTPS traffic.
  10. Click Create.
  11. Wait for the VM instance creation to complete.
Edit the FortiVoice-VM instance
  1. From the VM Instances page, go to the Name column and click on the newly created VM instance.
  2. Click Stop.
  3. Wait for Google Cloud to display a message that the FortiVoice-VM has stopped.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. In Remote access, select Enable connecting to serial ports.

  6. In Device name, select Based on disk name (default).

  7. In Additional disks, click Add new disk.

  8. Configure the following settings:
    1. Specify a Name for this new disk or accept the default.
    2. In Mode, select Read/write.
    3. In Deletion rule, select Delete disk.

    4. In the New disk section, click Done.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Wait for the process to complete.
  11. To start the VM instance, click Start / Resume.
  12. Wait for the process to complete.
  13. Continue with the next section to monitor the setup of the the FortiVoice-VM instance.
Monitor the setup of the FortiVoice-VM instance
  1. From the VM instance details page, go to Remote access and click Connect to serial console.

    An interactive serial console window opens and shows the activities taking place on the FortiVoice-VM instance.

  2. Monitor the setup activities on the FortiVoice-VM. When the setup is complete, the console will show the login prompt
  3. Copy the GCP instance ID. You will need this information to log in to the VM instance.

    Example of an interactive serial console window

  4. Close the interactive serial console window.

    You have completed this procedure.

  5. Go to Connecting to the FortiVoice-VM instance.