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Header manipulate

Header manipulate


Change the path in HTTP request header.

Return true for success and false for failure.



Change the query in HTTP request header.

Return true for success and false for failure.



Change the whole URL, including the path and query.

Return true for success and false for failure.


Change the method in HTTP request header.

Return true for success and false for failure.



HTTP:set_status(status-code, “reason”)

Change the status code and reason in HTTP response header. If reason does not exist, use default reason.

Return true for success and false for failure.


HTTP:set_status(200, "Other Reason")

HTTP:add_header(“header-name”, “header-value”)

Add a header line to HTTP request or response header.

Return true for success and false for failure.


Remove the header with name “header-name” from HTTP request or response.

Return true for success and false for failure.

HTTP:set_header(“header-name”, header-value-array)

Remove the header with name “header-name” from HTTP request or response, and add this header with new value header-value-array. The argument header-value-array is a Lua array which is the value got from HTTP:header().

Return true for success and false for failure.

HTTP:set_header("test", { "line1", "line2", "line3" })

HTTP:replace_header(“header-name”, “regex”, “replace”)

Match the regular expression in all occurrences of header field “header-name” according to “regex”, and replaces them with the “replace” argument. The replacement value can contain back references like 1,2, …

Return true for success and false for failure.

-- add api to set-cookie path

HTTP:replace_header("set-cookie", [[(.*)(Path=\/)(.*)]], [[\1\2api\3]])

Header manipulate


Change the path in HTTP request header.

Return true for success and false for failure.



Change the query in HTTP request header.

Return true for success and false for failure.



Change the whole URL, including the path and query.

Return true for success and false for failure.


Change the method in HTTP request header.

Return true for success and false for failure.



HTTP:set_status(status-code, “reason”)

Change the status code and reason in HTTP response header. If reason does not exist, use default reason.

Return true for success and false for failure.


HTTP:set_status(200, "Other Reason")

HTTP:add_header(“header-name”, “header-value”)

Add a header line to HTTP request or response header.

Return true for success and false for failure.


Remove the header with name “header-name” from HTTP request or response.

Return true for success and false for failure.

HTTP:set_header(“header-name”, header-value-array)

Remove the header with name “header-name” from HTTP request or response, and add this header with new value header-value-array. The argument header-value-array is a Lua array which is the value got from HTTP:header().

Return true for success and false for failure.

HTTP:set_header("test", { "line1", "line2", "line3" })

HTTP:replace_header(“header-name”, “regex”, “replace”)

Match the regular expression in all occurrences of header field “header-name” according to “regex”, and replaces them with the “replace” argument. The replacement value can contain back references like 1,2, …

Return true for success and false for failure.

-- add api to set-cookie path

HTTP:replace_header("set-cookie", [[(.*)(Path=\/)(.*)]], [[\1\2api\3]])