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Administration Guide

Restarting and shutting down

Restarting and shutting down

Always use the operation options in the GUI or the CLI commands to reboot and shut down the FortiAnalyzer system to avoid potential configuration problems.

To restart the FortiAnalyzer unit from the GUI:
  1. Go to System Settings > Dashboard.
  2. In the Unit Operation widget, click the Restart button.
  3. Enter a message for the event log, then click OK to restart the system.
To restart the FortiAnalyzer unit from the CLI:
  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command:

    execute reboot

    The system will be rebooted.

    Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  2. Enter y to continue. The FortiAnalyzer system will restart.
To shutdown the FortiAnalyzer unit from the GUI:
  1. Go to System Settings > Dashboard.
  2. In the Unit Operation widget, click the Shutdown button.
  3. Enter a message for the event log, then click OK to shutdown the system.
To shutdown the FortiAnalyzer unit from the CLI:
  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command:

    execute shutdown

    The system will be halted.

    Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  2. Enter y to continue. The FortiAnalyzer system will shutdown.
To reset the FortiAnalyzer unit:
  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command:

    execute reset all-settings

    This operation will reset all settings to factory defaults

    Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  2. Enter y to continue. The device will reset to factory default settings and restart.
To reset logs and re-transfer all SQL logs to the database:
  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command:

    execute reset-sqllog-transfer

    WARNING: This operation will re-transfer all logs into database.

    Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  2. Enter y to continue. All SQL logs will be resent to the database.

Restarting and shutting down

Restarting and shutting down

Always use the operation options in the GUI or the CLI commands to reboot and shut down the FortiAnalyzer system to avoid potential configuration problems.

To restart the FortiAnalyzer unit from the GUI:
  1. Go to System Settings > Dashboard.
  2. In the Unit Operation widget, click the Restart button.
  3. Enter a message for the event log, then click OK to restart the system.
To restart the FortiAnalyzer unit from the CLI:
  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command:

    execute reboot

    The system will be rebooted.

    Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  2. Enter y to continue. The FortiAnalyzer system will restart.
To shutdown the FortiAnalyzer unit from the GUI:
  1. Go to System Settings > Dashboard.
  2. In the Unit Operation widget, click the Shutdown button.
  3. Enter a message for the event log, then click OK to shutdown the system.
To shutdown the FortiAnalyzer unit from the CLI:
  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command:

    execute shutdown

    The system will be halted.

    Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  2. Enter y to continue. The FortiAnalyzer system will shutdown.
To reset the FortiAnalyzer unit:
  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command:

    execute reset all-settings

    This operation will reset all settings to factory defaults

    Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  2. Enter y to continue. The device will reset to factory default settings and restart.
To reset logs and re-transfer all SQL logs to the database:
  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command:

    execute reset-sqllog-transfer

    WARNING: This operation will re-transfer all logs into database.

    Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  2. Enter y to continue. All SQL logs will be resent to the database.