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Step 2: Create Resource Group and Storage Account

Step 2: Create Resource Group and Storage Account

If you are using an existing resource group, this step can be skipped.

Azure Portal

  1. Login to the Azure Portal

  2. Refer to Microsoft documentation to create a resource group and storage account.

  3. Once Created, proceed to Upload VHD Image.

CLI Option: Azure CLI

  1. Login to the Azure CLI

    az login

  2. Create a resource group

    az group create --name <Resource Group name> --location <Azure region>


    az group create --name MyResourceGroup --location eastus

  3. Create a storage account inside the resource group for the custom disk and VMs

    az storage account create --resource-group <Resource Group> --location <Azure region> --name <storage account name> --kind Storage --sku Standard_LRS


    az storage account create --resource-group <Resource Group> --location eastus --name myfortinacstorage --kind Storage --sku Standard_LRS

  4. Create a storage container under the created Storage account

    az storage container create --account-name <storage account name> --name <storage container name>


    az storage container create --account-name myfortinacstorage --name mydisks

Step 2: Create Resource Group and Storage Account

If you are using an existing resource group, this step can be skipped.

Azure Portal

  1. Login to the Azure Portal

  2. Refer to Microsoft documentation to create a resource group and storage account.

  3. Once Created, proceed to Upload VHD Image.

CLI Option: Azure CLI

  1. Login to the Azure CLI

    az login

  2. Create a resource group

    az group create --name <Resource Group name> --location <Azure region>


    az group create --name MyResourceGroup --location eastus

  3. Create a storage account inside the resource group for the custom disk and VMs

    az storage account create --resource-group <Resource Group> --location <Azure region> --name <storage account name> --kind Storage --sku Standard_LRS


    az storage account create --resource-group <Resource Group> --location eastus --name myfortinacstorage --kind Storage --sku Standard_LRS

  4. Create a storage container under the created Storage account

    az storage container create --account-name <storage account name> --name <storage container name>


    az storage container create --account-name myfortinacstorage --name mydisks