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  1. Connect to the WiFi and attempt to browse the Internet. You will be redirected to the captive portal splash page.
  2. Select LinkedIn and you should be redirected to the LinkedIn login page.

  3. Enter valid LinkedIn credentials and you will be redirected to the URL initially requested.
  4. You can now browse freely until the social login account expires, as configured on the FortiAuthenticator under Authentication > Captive Portal > General.

  5. To view the authenticated user added on FortiAuthenticator, go to .


  1. Connect to the WiFi and attempt to browse the Internet. You will be redirected to the captive portal splash page.
  2. Select LinkedIn and you should be redirected to the LinkedIn login page.

  3. Enter valid LinkedIn credentials and you will be redirected to the URL initially requested.
  4. You can now browse freely until the social login account expires, as configured on the FortiAuthenticator under Authentication > Captive Portal > General.

  5. To view the authenticated user added on FortiAuthenticator, go to .