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Create a Business User

Create a Business User

You must create business users on FortiCloud. Only FortiCloud primary account user can create business user. After you create a business user, it will be appear in User Management on FortiCASB.

  1. Log into FortiCloud. (
  2. (Alternatively, you can access FortiCloud after you log into FortiCASB by clicking the account drop down menu button at the right hand side and select My Account.)

  3. Click on Account Management drop down menu and select My Account, then you will be re-directed to FortiCloud.
  4. On FortiCloud, click on Mange User at the left hand side, then a list of users will display.
  5. Click on add user button on the right hand side:
  6. Fill in the User Name, E-mail, and Telephone for the user you would like to set up.
  7. Select Full Access to grant the user full permissions, including the ability to create/access/assign companies and business units. Select Limited Access to only grant the user basic access. Then click Save.
  8. If Limited Access is selected, click on Add More Products to select a license.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Repeat this process to create more users.

After business user(s) are created, you may assign the new users to the business units through Assign users to a business unit.

Create a Business User

You must create business users on FortiCloud. Only FortiCloud primary account user can create business user. After you create a business user, it will be appear in User Management on FortiCASB.

  1. Log into FortiCloud. (
  2. (Alternatively, you can access FortiCloud after you log into FortiCASB by clicking the account drop down menu button at the right hand side and select My Account.)

  3. Click on Account Management drop down menu and select My Account, then you will be re-directed to FortiCloud.
  4. On FortiCloud, click on Mange User at the left hand side, then a list of users will display.
  5. Click on add user button on the right hand side:
  6. Fill in the User Name, E-mail, and Telephone for the user you would like to set up.
  7. Select Full Access to grant the user full permissions, including the ability to create/access/assign companies and business units. Select Limited Access to only grant the user basic access. Then click Save.
  8. If Limited Access is selected, click on Add More Products to select a license.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Repeat this process to create more users.

After business user(s) are created, you may assign the new users to the business units through Assign users to a business unit.