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Domains - Configuration and validation of your domains and sub (learning) domains

Domains - Configuration and validation of your domains and sub (learning) domains

The first configuration step is to verify your domain in the Admin Portal tenant. You need to add DNS TXT records for your domain to prove ownership of your domain before uploading users and customizing your URL domain. You can only add users with email addresses that use a verified domain.

Domain names must contain:

  • Lowercase only

  • At least one letter

  • At least three characters

  • No more than 64 characters

  • No special characters

To configure a domain:
  1. Go to Domains. Once selected, you can enter the parent domain in the Connect Your Domain field and click Add.

    Once entered, a Token will be generated.

  2. In order to complete the verification process, you must add the token generated as a DNS TXT record in your domain DNS configuration to prove that you own the domain.


    This entry may take time to propagate across the networks.

  3. Once this step has been completed, click Verify.


This step must be completed by someone in the customer’s IT department who has access to your DNS domain configuration. Fortinet cannot assist in this step or do it for the customer.

There is also trash can icon that you can click to delete the domain registration entry

URL domain customization - Unpaid (free) 25 user service

After you have finished the Verify Domain Ownership in the Domains sectio,n a default domain of will appear in the URL. Your site URL will be showed as: <Tenant ID>

To add a new (more meaningful) subdomain:
  1. Enter a new subdomain (for example, your company name) in the Custom domain name text box and select Save.

    Your new custom domain will appear in the list.

  2. To begin using this more meaningful subdomain, select the Primary domain option button.

  3. Confirm the operation by selecting Confirm in the dialog box.

If you attempt to add a subdomain to that already exists in the system, you will receive the following error:

The domain <the domain you entered> already exists in the tenant.

If this domain has not been used before, you will see a confirmation message:

Your primary domain has been changed to <the domain you entered>

If you try to delete a Primary domain by clicking on the trashcan icon, you will receive the following error:

Cannot delete your Primary Domain.

You must first assign a new Primary domain and then perform the delete operation.

URL domain customization - Paid service offering


This option is not available with the free 25 user service. Users of the free service will only be able to use <tenant id>.<customer domain>.

The last step for domain configuration is to set the domain you intend to use for your Learning Platform.

Using the URL Domain Customization option will create a subdomain under your parent domain (e.g. mysubdomain.mydomain.topleveldomain) that your users will recognize. Once verified, the parent domain should appear in the dropdown.

To create a subdomain:
  1. From the dropdown list under URL Domain Customization, select your domain.

  2. Enter the subdomain name and click Save.


    Only enter the subdomain, i.e., mysubdomain (the parent domain is picked up from the dropdown list).

    Subdomain names must contain:

    • Lowercase only

    • At least one letter

    • At least three characters

    • No more than 64 characters

    • No special characters

  3. Provide the subdomain (i.e. mysubdomainname.mydomain.topleveldomain) and the IP address (under the A Record column) to your network administrator so that they can create an A Record entry under their domain. This may take time to propagate across networks. The Status will show as Pending.

  4. Once the A Record has been added and has propagated, click the Connect button.

  5. Now, under the URL Domain Customization section, select the Primary Domain button to change to your new subdomain to act as the primary domain for the tenant. You should see the following confirmation message:

    Your primary domain has been changed to

If the A Record has not been propagated, you will see the following error:

Domain mysubdomain.mydomain.topleveldomain failed to connect. Please make sure you added A Record under your owned domain.

If the A Record has been added and successfully propagated, you will see the following notification:

Domain successfully connected. Provisioning a certificate might take up to 60 minutes.

The Status column should also show Connected.

Domains - Configuration and validation of your domains and sub (learning) domains

The first configuration step is to verify your domain in the Admin Portal tenant. You need to add DNS TXT records for your domain to prove ownership of your domain before uploading users and customizing your URL domain. You can only add users with email addresses that use a verified domain.

Domain names must contain:

  • Lowercase only

  • At least one letter

  • At least three characters

  • No more than 64 characters

  • No special characters

To configure a domain:
  1. Go to Domains. Once selected, you can enter the parent domain in the Connect Your Domain field and click Add.

    Once entered, a Token will be generated.

  2. In order to complete the verification process, you must add the token generated as a DNS TXT record in your domain DNS configuration to prove that you own the domain.


    This entry may take time to propagate across the networks.

  3. Once this step has been completed, click Verify.


This step must be completed by someone in the customer’s IT department who has access to your DNS domain configuration. Fortinet cannot assist in this step or do it for the customer.

There is also trash can icon that you can click to delete the domain registration entry

URL domain customization - Unpaid (free) 25 user service

After you have finished the Verify Domain Ownership in the Domains sectio,n a default domain of will appear in the URL. Your site URL will be showed as: <Tenant ID>

To add a new (more meaningful) subdomain:
  1. Enter a new subdomain (for example, your company name) in the Custom domain name text box and select Save.

    Your new custom domain will appear in the list.

  2. To begin using this more meaningful subdomain, select the Primary domain option button.

  3. Confirm the operation by selecting Confirm in the dialog box.

If you attempt to add a subdomain to that already exists in the system, you will receive the following error:

The domain <the domain you entered> already exists in the tenant.

If this domain has not been used before, you will see a confirmation message:

Your primary domain has been changed to <the domain you entered>

If you try to delete a Primary domain by clicking on the trashcan icon, you will receive the following error:

Cannot delete your Primary Domain.

You must first assign a new Primary domain and then perform the delete operation.

URL domain customization - Paid service offering


This option is not available with the free 25 user service. Users of the free service will only be able to use <tenant id>.<customer domain>.

The last step for domain configuration is to set the domain you intend to use for your Learning Platform.

Using the URL Domain Customization option will create a subdomain under your parent domain (e.g. mysubdomain.mydomain.topleveldomain) that your users will recognize. Once verified, the parent domain should appear in the dropdown.

To create a subdomain:
  1. From the dropdown list under URL Domain Customization, select your domain.

  2. Enter the subdomain name and click Save.


    Only enter the subdomain, i.e., mysubdomain (the parent domain is picked up from the dropdown list).

    Subdomain names must contain:

    • Lowercase only

    • At least one letter

    • At least three characters

    • No more than 64 characters

    • No special characters

  3. Provide the subdomain (i.e. mysubdomainname.mydomain.topleveldomain) and the IP address (under the A Record column) to your network administrator so that they can create an A Record entry under their domain. This may take time to propagate across networks. The Status will show as Pending.

  4. Once the A Record has been added and has propagated, click the Connect button.

  5. Now, under the URL Domain Customization section, select the Primary Domain button to change to your new subdomain to act as the primary domain for the tenant. You should see the following confirmation message:

    Your primary domain has been changed to

If the A Record has not been propagated, you will see the following error:

Domain mysubdomain.mydomain.topleveldomain failed to connect. Please make sure you added A Record under your owned domain.

If the A Record has been added and successfully propagated, you will see the following notification:

Domain successfully connected. Provisioning a certificate might take up to 60 minutes.

The Status column should also show Connected.