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Testing failover

Testing failover

To test failover of the redundant Internet configuration, you must simulate a failed Internet connection to one of the ports. You can do this by physically disconnecting the Ethernet cable connected to WAN1.

  1. Verify that users still have Internet access by going to Monitor > SD-WAN Monitor and checking the Upload and Download of each WAN interface.

  2. In Network > SD-WAN > SD-WAN Usage, check that bandwidth and volume have diverted entirely through WAN2.

Users on the internal network have no knowledge of the WAN1 failure. Likewise, if you are using the WAN1 gateway IP to connect to the admin dashboard, nothing changes from your perspective. It appears that you are still connecting through WAN1.

Reconnect the WAN1 Ethernet cable when you have verified successful failover.

Testing failover

To test failover of the redundant Internet configuration, you must simulate a failed Internet connection to one of the ports. You can do this by physically disconnecting the Ethernet cable connected to WAN1.

  1. Verify that users still have Internet access by going to Monitor > SD-WAN Monitor and checking the Upload and Download of each WAN interface.

  2. In Network > SD-WAN > SD-WAN Usage, check that bandwidth and volume have diverted entirely through WAN2.

Users on the internal network have no knowledge of the WAN1 failure. Likewise, if you are using the WAN1 gateway IP to connect to the admin dashboard, nothing changes from your perspective. It appears that you are still connecting through WAN1.

Reconnect the WAN1 Ethernet cable when you have verified successful failover.