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Configure Google Developers Console

Configure Google Developers Console

Log in a Google Account Administrator for the domain. Go to the following web address:

Create A New Project

  1. From the dropdown bring up the project management dialog and create a new project with the desired name.

  2. Click NEW PROJECT.

  3. Click CREATE, then select the newly created project by clicking on the dropdown and selecting the project from the project management view.

  4. Once the project in created, select IAM & Admin>Service accounts option on the side menu.


  6. Give the service account a name and optionally a description and click CREATE.

  7. Assign the service account a Role of Basic > Owner so it has full access to the project. Click CONTINUE.

  8. Click DONE on this screen.

  9. Click on the newly created service account in the table.

  10. Under the KEYS tab click ADD KEY > CREATE NEW KEY. This brings up the Service Account Key creation view.

  11. Choose JSON and click CREATE.

  12. Download the .jason file. It will be used when configuring FortiNAC.

  13. Enable the Admin SDK to access in this project. Click on the top left menu again, and select APIs & Service > Library.

  14. Search for Admin SDK.

  15. Select Admin SDK API.

  16. Then click on it and hit the ENABLE button.

Enable API Access to the Service Account

  1. Log into and on the Home view in the Admin console, click Security.

  2. Select API Controls, then select Domain wide delegation at the bottom.

  3. Back in the developer console, find and copy the unique ID from the service account just created.

  4. Back in Admin Console, click Add new.

  5. Paste Client ID and add the scopes to query (Chrome OS devices’ metadata and mobile devices’ metadata). Click Authorize.

  6. The “View and manage your Chrome OS devices’ metadata” and “View and manage your mobile devices’ metadata” should be listed as the 2 APIs that are accessible using the service account ID.

Proceed to Configure FortiNAC.

Configure Google Developers Console

Log in a Google Account Administrator for the domain. Go to the following web address:

Create A New Project

  1. From the dropdown bring up the project management dialog and create a new project with the desired name.

  2. Click NEW PROJECT.

  3. Click CREATE, then select the newly created project by clicking on the dropdown and selecting the project from the project management view.

  4. Once the project in created, select IAM & Admin>Service accounts option on the side menu.


  6. Give the service account a name and optionally a description and click CREATE.

  7. Assign the service account a Role of Basic > Owner so it has full access to the project. Click CONTINUE.

  8. Click DONE on this screen.

  9. Click on the newly created service account in the table.

  10. Under the KEYS tab click ADD KEY > CREATE NEW KEY. This brings up the Service Account Key creation view.

  11. Choose JSON and click CREATE.

  12. Download the .jason file. It will be used when configuring FortiNAC.

  13. Enable the Admin SDK to access in this project. Click on the top left menu again, and select APIs & Service > Library.

  14. Search for Admin SDK.

  15. Select Admin SDK API.

  16. Then click on it and hit the ENABLE button.

Enable API Access to the Service Account

  1. Log into and on the Home view in the Admin console, click Security.

  2. Select API Controls, then select Domain wide delegation at the bottom.

  3. Back in the developer console, find and copy the unique ID from the service account just created.

  4. Back in Admin Console, click Add new.

  5. Paste Client ID and add the scopes to query (Chrome OS devices’ metadata and mobile devices’ metadata). Click Authorize.

  6. The “View and manage your Chrome OS devices’ metadata” and “View and manage your mobile devices’ metadata” should be listed as the 2 APIs that are accessible using the service account ID.

Proceed to Configure FortiNAC.