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FortiCNP NAT IP Address

FortiCNP NAT IP Address

The FortiCNP NAT IP address is the public IP address that is being used to connect to your SaaS accounts or added cloud accounts. The IP address can be added to your cloud account security white list to avoid alerts being triggered when FortiCNP requests updates through API calls on the cloud accounts. Alternatively, the NAT IP address can also be used to limit access to specific IP address.

Depending on where you are located, the IP address is different for Global (US) and European Union (EU) users:


FortiCNP Site Address NAT IP Address

Global (US)

European Union (EU)

FortiCNP NAT IP Address

The FortiCNP NAT IP address is the public IP address that is being used to connect to your SaaS accounts or added cloud accounts. The IP address can be added to your cloud account security white list to avoid alerts being triggered when FortiCNP requests updates through API calls on the cloud accounts. Alternatively, the NAT IP address can also be used to limit access to specific IP address.

Depending on where you are located, the IP address is different for Global (US) and European Union (EU) users:


FortiCNP Site Address NAT IP Address

Global (US)

European Union (EU)