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Previewing individual module videos

Previewing individual module videos

Customers can preview video content. These previews only display the video content and not knowledge checks or quiz questions and answers.

To preview video content:
  1. Go to Campaign from the Navigation Menu.

  2. Click New Training Campaign.

  3. Click Create a new template.

  4. Select the tab for the type of module you would like to preview.

  5. Mouse over the module you would like to preview and select View detail for the module.

  6. Press the play icon to preview the module video.

    You can also see additional information about the video, including the approximate length of the video, quiz information, the learning objectives, and the languages the video is currently available in.

  7. When you are done viewing the window, you can close the player and return to any of the Navigation Menu pages.

Previewing individual module videos

Customers can preview video content. These previews only display the video content and not knowledge checks or quiz questions and answers.

To preview video content:
  1. Go to Campaign from the Navigation Menu.

  2. Click New Training Campaign.

  3. Click Create a new template.

  4. Select the tab for the type of module you would like to preview.

  5. Mouse over the module you would like to preview and select View detail for the module.

  6. Press the play icon to preview the module video.

    You can also see additional information about the video, including the approximate length of the video, quiz information, the learning objectives, and the languages the video is currently available in.

  7. When you are done viewing the window, you can close the player and return to any of the Navigation Menu pages.