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URL domain customization (Premium level service)

URL domain customization (Premium level service)


This option is not available with the Standard level service or the free 25 user service. Users of the Standard level or free service will only be able to create a custom subdomain to our domain, such as

If you wish to create a custom domain subordinate to one of your verified domains, you should contact your distributor and request an upgrade to the Premium level service.

After you have successfully verified the domain, a default domain of will appear in the URL Domain Customization section. Your default site URL will be showed as <Tenant ID>

Using the URL Domain Customization option will create a subdomain under your parent domain (such as mysubdomain.mydomain.topleveldomain) that your users will recognize.

You may configure up to ten custom domains from your list of verified domains. This is ten total domains including the default domain <tenantID>

Subdomain names may contain:

  • Lowercase only

  • At least one letter

  • At least three characters

  • No more than 64 characters

  • Only characters supported in domain names (such as a hyphen)

You can create up to custom domains. Only one can be set to the Primary Domain. The Primary Domain will be included in all template emails.

To create a custom domain URL:
  1. From the dropdown under URL Domain Customization, select one of your verified domains.

  2. Enter only the subdomain name (such as oursubdomain). The parent domain is picked up from the dropdown.

  3. Click Save.

    The new customized domain will appear in the list in a Pending state and an IP address assignment will appear in the A Record column.

  4. Provide the subdomain (such as oursubdomainname.mydomain.topleveldomain) and the IP address (under the A Record column) to your network administrator so that they can create an ‘A’ Record entry under their domain. This may take time to propagate across networks. The Status will show as Pending.


    Propagation of the A Records may take up to 24 hours depending on your networking product and Service Provider.

  5. Once the A Record has been created and propagated across the network and internet, click Verify and the Status should change from Pending to Connected.

    If your A Record does not verify after 24 hours, please use the following instructions to verify if your A Record is available using Google Dig.

    If the A Record is not available using Google Dig, you will need to verify your A Record exists.

    There is also trash can icon that you can click to delete the domain registration entry.

  6. Under the URL Domain Customization section, select the Primary domain option to change to your new subdomain to act as the primary domain for the tenant. You will receive a confirmation dialog.

  7. Select Confirm. You should see the following confirmation message.

  8. Your new custom domain should be set to the Primary domain.


    After setting the primary domain to your new custom domain, you may not be able to connect the new URL. This is due to the fact that a task must run to generate an SSL certificate for the new site. If the connection is not available after 60 minutes, open a support ticket by sending an email to and a ticket will be opened for our support team to investigate the issue.

    If the A Record has not yet propagated, you will see the following error:

    If the A Record has been added and successfully propagated, you will see a notification:

    Domain successfully connected. Provisioning a certificate might take up to 60 minutes.

You can also delete URL Domain Customization entries by selecting the trash can icon. You cannot delete entries set as Primary Domain. Select another Primary Domain, then delete the entry.

URL domain customization (Premium level service)


This option is not available with the Standard level service or the free 25 user service. Users of the Standard level or free service will only be able to create a custom subdomain to our domain, such as

If you wish to create a custom domain subordinate to one of your verified domains, you should contact your distributor and request an upgrade to the Premium level service.

After you have successfully verified the domain, a default domain of will appear in the URL Domain Customization section. Your default site URL will be showed as <Tenant ID>

Using the URL Domain Customization option will create a subdomain under your parent domain (such as mysubdomain.mydomain.topleveldomain) that your users will recognize.

You may configure up to ten custom domains from your list of verified domains. This is ten total domains including the default domain <tenantID>

Subdomain names may contain:

  • Lowercase only

  • At least one letter

  • At least three characters

  • No more than 64 characters

  • Only characters supported in domain names (such as a hyphen)

You can create up to custom domains. Only one can be set to the Primary Domain. The Primary Domain will be included in all template emails.

To create a custom domain URL:
  1. From the dropdown under URL Domain Customization, select one of your verified domains.

  2. Enter only the subdomain name (such as oursubdomain). The parent domain is picked up from the dropdown.

  3. Click Save.

    The new customized domain will appear in the list in a Pending state and an IP address assignment will appear in the A Record column.

  4. Provide the subdomain (such as oursubdomainname.mydomain.topleveldomain) and the IP address (under the A Record column) to your network administrator so that they can create an ‘A’ Record entry under their domain. This may take time to propagate across networks. The Status will show as Pending.


    Propagation of the A Records may take up to 24 hours depending on your networking product and Service Provider.

  5. Once the A Record has been created and propagated across the network and internet, click Verify and the Status should change from Pending to Connected.

    If your A Record does not verify after 24 hours, please use the following instructions to verify if your A Record is available using Google Dig.

    If the A Record is not available using Google Dig, you will need to verify your A Record exists.

    There is also trash can icon that you can click to delete the domain registration entry.

  6. Under the URL Domain Customization section, select the Primary domain option to change to your new subdomain to act as the primary domain for the tenant. You will receive a confirmation dialog.

  7. Select Confirm. You should see the following confirmation message.

  8. Your new custom domain should be set to the Primary domain.


    After setting the primary domain to your new custom domain, you may not be able to connect the new URL. This is due to the fact that a task must run to generate an SSL certificate for the new site. If the connection is not available after 60 minutes, open a support ticket by sending an email to and a ticket will be opened for our support team to investigate the issue.

    If the A Record has not yet propagated, you will see the following error:

    If the A Record has been added and successfully propagated, you will see a notification:

    Domain successfully connected. Provisioning a certificate might take up to 60 minutes.

You can also delete URL Domain Customization entries by selecting the trash can icon. You cannot delete entries set as Primary Domain. Select another Primary Domain, then delete the entry.