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Administration Guide

Assigning values to meta field variables

Assigning values to meta field variables

Once meta fields are created, you need to assign values to the meta field variables for each device. You will assign values to the meta field variables branch_local_network and remote_site_id for both the sites Branch-A and Branch-B.

To assign a value to a meta field variable for a device:
  1. Go to Device Manager > Device & Groups > Managed Devices.
  2. Select device Branch-A and click Edit. The Edit Device pane appears.
  3. Scroll down to the Meta Fields section and add values for both the branch_local_network and remote_site_id fields.
  4. Click OK.

Similarly, edit device Branch-B to add values to the meta field variables.

Assigning values to meta field variables

Assigning values to meta field variables

Once meta fields are created, you need to assign values to the meta field variables for each device. You will assign values to the meta field variables branch_local_network and remote_site_id for both the sites Branch-A and Branch-B.

To assign a value to a meta field variable for a device:
  1. Go to Device Manager > Device & Groups > Managed Devices.
  2. Select device Branch-A and click Edit. The Edit Device pane appears.
  3. Scroll down to the Meta Fields section and add values for both the branch_local_network and remote_site_id fields.
  4. Click OK.

Similarly, edit device Branch-B to add values to the meta field variables.