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Risk Score Modifier

Risk Score Modifier


Resource Risk Insights (RRI) Risk Score is calculated based on the modifiers assigned. Each risk score modifier represent different cloud infrastructure workloads under the same account. The modifier value can be between 1% to 200%. The higher the percentage represents the more business critical the workload is in the production environment. FortiCNP would adjust the risk score based on the modifiers and make risk score align with your infrastructure priority.

Each modifier value is based on a key/value pair of a cloud infrastructure workload.

There are two types of key/value pairs: Environment and Priority, and each type can have a total of 5 key-value pairs .

There are two parts in adding the key/value pair to the risk score calculation.

  1. Create key/value pairs on the cloud infrastructure workloads that will be included in risk score calculation.
  2. Add the new key/value pairs to the risk calculation on FortiCNP.

Example on Create Key/Value Pairs and Add Them to Risk Calculation

All types of cloud infrastructure platforms can create a key-value tags for the workloads to easily identify the resource.

This example is on create Key/Value pairs for the AWS EC2 instances and add them to risk calculation on Cloud Protection.

  1. Create Key-Value Pairs on Cloud Infrastructure Workload
  2. Add Key-Value Pairs to Risk Calculation

Risk Score Modifier


Resource Risk Insights (RRI) Risk Score is calculated based on the modifiers assigned. Each risk score modifier represent different cloud infrastructure workloads under the same account. The modifier value can be between 1% to 200%. The higher the percentage represents the more business critical the workload is in the production environment. FortiCNP would adjust the risk score based on the modifiers and make risk score align with your infrastructure priority.

Each modifier value is based on a key/value pair of a cloud infrastructure workload.

There are two types of key/value pairs: Environment and Priority, and each type can have a total of 5 key-value pairs .

There are two parts in adding the key/value pair to the risk score calculation.

  1. Create key/value pairs on the cloud infrastructure workloads that will be included in risk score calculation.
  2. Add the new key/value pairs to the risk calculation on FortiCNP.

Example on Create Key/Value Pairs and Add Them to Risk Calculation

All types of cloud infrastructure platforms can create a key-value tags for the workloads to easily identify the resource.

This example is on create Key/Value pairs for the AWS EC2 instances and add them to risk calculation on Cloud Protection.

  1. Create Key-Value Pairs on Cloud Infrastructure Workload
  2. Add Key-Value Pairs to Risk Calculation